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Fulbeck Artisan Market nominated for top industry award in its first year in business

Fulbeck Artisan Market has celebrated its first year in business with a nomination for a prestigious award.

The Lincolnshire Food and Farming Awards highlights extraordinary contributions of local food and farming enterprises throughout the county.

Fulbeck – housed in the spacious grounds of Fulbeck House – was shortlisted for Market of the Year.


Over the last year Fulbeck – just off the A17 – has grown from a handful of local craft vendors to a sell-out 56 stalls at its last opening.

More than 1,200 visitors came to visit.

The stall vendors are hand-picked to ensure high quality gifts and foods.

They range from home produced meats, curries, jams and chutneys and handmade gifts and homewares.

The next market is Saturday 9th December at 10.00.

It will have the Asparagus Singers to add even more Christmas cheer.

The group was formed after a night’s drinking in the local Fulbeck pub and a discussion about are the Welsh better singers than the English.

Alix Fane, the owner of 50-year-old Fulbeck Manor, said:

“It’s a great honour to be nominated for this ward.

“We only started in earnest a year ago and have come a long way.

“Luckily, the sun shone for our birthday market.

“The local council even opened roads closed for repairs when they realised the scale of this growing event.

“I am constantly amazed and delighted at the incredibly high quality of items being made locally and sold here.

“The standard and creativity are outstanding.

“We saw the first rush of serious Christmas present buyers this month.

“I’m sure that our December market will be a must-visit destination for those wanting something different from High Street presents.”

As the High Street takes a battering – with well-known chains like Wilko collapsing – one retail sector is booming – the Artisan Market.

Research by the Crafts Council shows annual sales have increased to more than £3 billion.

Buyers are more discerning – wanting high quality products with a proven history, as well as the opportunity to find something different from typical shop products.

It’s a success story being played out at Fulbeck Manor in Lincolnshire.

The Fulbeck Artisans’ Fair has been running for less than a year but month on month the number of traders and customers has grown as its reputation spreads.

The July market had 30 traders’ stalls.

In August 42 traders were selling jewellery, sewn gifts, hand turned wooden bowls and locally made jams, chutneys, and gins.

The artisan makers, with its shops in the beautiful courtyard, are also benefiting from the added trade.

So far, more than a thousand shoppers attended the August fair held on the second Saturday of every month.

Alix said: “This is an exciting time for local producers.

“Shopping at an artisan market is such a joyful experience.

“There are amazing food and drink makers who are passionate about their products.

“We have venison and lamb being sold by the farmers who have reared their stock and who are keen to talk about their food.

“We have jam and chutney makers who have picked the fruit themselves and can tell buyers about the ingredients and flavours.

“There are beautifully handmade sewing items costing from a couple of pounds to hundreds.

“I am amazed and delighted at the creativity of the artisans.

“Buyers are attracted to handmade gifts which offer ‘something different’ from the High Street.

“Even in our café we serve homemade jams.”

The Fulbeck Manor workshops would have originally housed coaches, horses, and tack.

The stables were designed by a distinguished architect in the early 1900s and have been lovingly restored to host local crafters.

Elizabeth Hunt, event organiser and renowned international jeweller designer, who has a shop at Fulbeck Manor Courtyard said:

“More and more people are asking me for stalls to sell their craft work and home-produced items at Fulbeck.

“Each month, even if it’s raining, there is a real buzz.

“It’s a family day out.

“It’s a chance to buy unique gifts.

“And it’s a chance to buy workmanship of outstanding quality.

“What’s more, it’s often cheaper than mass produced equivalents.”

The Craft Council research revealed that between 2006 and 2023 the number of people buying crafted goods in England increased from 6.9 million to 37.7 million.

More than 24.7m items are sold online or at open markets – a £3 billion a year self-driven industry.

Ardent shopper Catherine Peatfield explained how artisan markets have become a regular day out:

She said: “I don’t want to trudge round shopping centres.

“It’s most depressing in town as shops are either empty or being run as charity shops.

“It’s hard to park and you are often served by a surly teenager who doesn’t want to be there.

“But an artisan’s market is friendly, a lovely location and you can take the dog round with you!

“Sometimes it looks like Crufts.

“People have time to chat and the sellers actually smile!”






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