Amidst the geopolitical turbulence gripping Ukraine, a silent struggle unfolds—a story of corruption, influence, and the battle for justice. Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of...
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Amidst the geopolitical turbulence gripping Ukraine, a silent struggle unfolds—a story of corruption, influence, and the battle for justice. Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of...
UK Mondi “sells” a plant in Russia. Is this conscience or hypocrisy? The UK packaging giant’s Russia asset sale cries out for a closer...
To weather the challenges of modern geopolitics, countries must take great care in pursuing their national interest in the face of ever-changing circumstances, writes...
As he fights extradition warrants from Russia, Ukraine, and his native Kazakhstan, the “world’s richest fraudster” – a tag he was given by The...
Despite huge and unprecedented international pressure and harsh demands that were heard even in the UN premises the two breakaway Ukrainian territories- Donetsk and...